About TAKASHIMA Bluefin Tuna

From catching to shipping

Tuna are delicate fish.
Tuna react to even the smallest changes in their environments by swimming at top speed, which often leads to collisions with other fish and bruising.
After strenuous exercise, the color of the fish’s flesh changes and the taste deteriorates.
In order to avoid these types of problems s, our company has developed special techniques for harvesting.

TaskDate and timeNotes
HarvestingStarts from
The blood is removed on board, and the fish is cooled in ice water after being gutted and gilled.
Trimming11:00AMAll fish entrails are removed without leaving any residue. Our gutting expertise is second to none in the industry.
Day 2
8:00AMThe internal temperature of the fish is 1-2℃
PackingDay 28:00AMGel ice packs are used instead of ice for cooling.
Assembly and
Day 210:00AM
Departs from
Fukuoka Airport
Day 21:30PMRefrigerated transport at 0-5℃
Arrives at
Haneda Airport
Day 24:50PM
DeliveryDay 3In the
Styrofoam packing boxes allow for convenient storage post-delivery.
How to feed

Harvesting techniques